Thursday, 22 October 2020

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Slime time

 Today i created a slime with Guar Gum and Borax it was fun creating And i Also learned about physical change 



Today i created a word art it was fun creating it. We had to write 5 to 10 words down.I choose to write 10 words that rhymes run.

Have you done a word art like this?

Have look at my!

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Three little pigs .

Today for inquiry and Reading we got a task the task.There was three  little pigs and one day there was a 8.9 earthquake struck.we had to create a brokon house. After that we had to make a new house for the pigs we had to make to the cardboard.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Wonderful Service Value

 Today was the start of term 4 our last team for the year.
Our value is Service.
Last term we got a Challenge. The challenge was to find to what is the meaning for Faith.
This term we got the same challenge to find to the meaning for service.
This is what I did for the Challenge.
Have a look!!!!!